Geo News Latest Frequency on Asiasat 3s 2016 Geo Tez Frequency In Pakistan 

GEO Network Latest Updated Working Frequency and Symbol Rate 2016

Geo Kahani Frequency and Symbol Rate Geo Super New Frequency Geo News Working Updated Frequency

Geo is a Pakistan News Channel Network. Geo has several other channels including dramas entertainment, sports, news etc. Geo Network chairman is Mir Ibrahim Rahman (born in 1981) is the co-founder and CEO of Geo TV He is the eldest son of media mogul Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and the grandson of newspaper magnate Mir Khalil ur Rehman. Here is the Latest working Frequency of GEO Network Pakistan.

ASIASAT 7 @105.5 East GEO TEZ
New Testing Frequency
Tp: 3660 v 29700 (Strong Signals)

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